Decision Making

SPE: Strategy Performance Engine
SPE Applications Patent Pending

Strategic Decisions: An organization’s strategic decisions are typically longer-term in nature and involve significant resource commitments; often, these decisions are irreversible. Usually, the analyzes that support this decision making are generally ad hoc and consequently the quality of the decision is highly variable

SPE- Strategic Performance Engine - is an innovative methodology to evaluate strategic decisions under uncertainties (US Patent Pending). The present invention provides a structured, decision-theoretic framework with a rigorous, computer-implemented analysis engine to compare a base strategy to a wide range of options. Subjective expert opinion and historical data are combined in a disciplined manner. Sensitivity and scenario alternatives analyses allow strategy options to be tested for reasonableness and robustness. Decisions can thus be based on comparisons of multiple performance outcomes predictions and their related risks.

In a New World You Need New Tools.

SPE Implementation process - 3 Phases

Basic Conceptual Model
Chart Outome Evaluation